CPD/PDA Courses and Training
Ongoing throughout 2024/2025
Amichien Bonding® - Dog Listener Graduate Training
Diploma in Feline Behaviour and Psychology
Animal Behaviour and Psychology
Child Psychology
Criminology Diploma
Private Investigator Diploma
British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 & 2
Developing Your Trauma Skilled Practice 2; Trauma in Children and Young People: NES, NHS Education Scotland
Developing Your Trauma Skilled Practice 1; Understanding the Impact of Trauma and Responding in a Trauma-Informed Way: NES, NHS Education Scotland
Child Protection and Safeguarding: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Information Governance: Keeping Information Safe – What do I need to know?: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Information Governance: Keeping Information Safe – Policies and Procedures: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Information Governance: Data Security and Cyber Awareness: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Revolutionizing Digital Forensics: Magnet One (USA)
Fire Warden Theory Training: Bectu Vision (valid to 2026)
Contracts - Need to Know: Bectu Vision
Conflict Management: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Mental Health Awareness: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Change Your Thinking, Developing Resilience: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Trauma in Practice: Children's Hearings Scotland
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): Children's Hearings Scotland
Glasgow Intensive Family Support Service (GIFSS); Intensive Support and Monitoring Services (ISMS); ISMS Education; Outdoor Resource Centre; Functional Family Therapy (FFT) and Support and Intervention (SIT): Children’s Hearings Scotland
Practical Cyber Resilience: Bectu Vision
Information Governance: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Decisions & Reasons: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Productions guide to working with children in entertainment: The Children’s Production Support Hub
The Work of the Glasgow Virtual School: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Protecting Children in Entertainment: NSPCC
Building Your Inner Strengths: Bectu Vision
Physical Resilience for Crew: Bectu Vision
Practical Accredited (Children's) Regulations Training: Bectu Vision
Autism Understanding & Awareness: Bectu Vision
Creative Thinking for Film & TV Freelancers: Bectu Vision
Managing Team Mental Wellbeing: Bectu Vision
Digital Project Management Tools: Bectu Vision
Family Group Decision Making, Lifelong Links and Kinship Care: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Children (Scotland) Act 2020 - Siblings: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Emerging from Lockdown: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Enhanced Practice 2020: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Advocacy: Children's Hearings Scotland
Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019: Children's Hearings Scotland
Child Development: Children's Hearings Scotland
Hearings in Lockdown: Children's Hearings Scotland
Information Governance: Children's Hearings Scotland
Mental Health First Aid: Bectu Vision
Emergency First Aid at Work: Bectu Vision
SQA Level 7 - Management of Hearings: Children's Hearings Scotland
SQA Level 7 - Principals and Practice for Children’s Panel Members: Children's Hearings Scotland
SQA Level 7 - Needs of Children and Young People in the Children’s Hearings System: Children's Hearings Scotland
Managing Hearings: Children’s Hearings Scotland
Amichien Bonding® - Dog Listener Training - Foundation & Advanced: Jan Fennell International Dog Listeners Ltd
X-Forces 3-Day Self Employment Business Course: XForces Enterprise
Canine & Feline First Aid: Rural Skills UK
Working with Schedule One and Registered Sex Offenders: Apex Scotland
Children’s Hearings in Scotland, Panel Members:
Needs of Children and Young People in the Children’s Hearings System
Principals and Practice for Children’s Panel Members
Identifying the Dead - Forensic Science and Human Identification: University of Dundee
Principals Award for Employability: Abertay University
Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Abertay University Enhancement Programme
Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness: NHS Scotland
Introduction to Forensic Science: Strathclyde University
Forensic Psychology - Eyewitness Psychology & Testimony: The Open University
Forensic Science & Criminal Justice: University of Leicester